Time to get organised for the New Year!
We can show you how tackling your home organisation could be the new year refresh that you need, so take a look through our top tips for sorting out your home and getting it underway in the best way possible…
Find a new way to store your storage
Tupperware and other forms of storage containers are some of the most popular items in the kitchen. Not only do they make sure that we can keep leftovers fresh, but also that we can put food away in the fridge neatly. The trouble with storage containers is that they themselves can cause a bit of a mess problem. There are a number of inventive ways online that you can try and organise your food storage and make sure that your kitchen looks neat and tidy.
Repurpose your magazine file
Do you have a magazine file that now seems to be distinctly lacking in magazines? If this is true for you then you might want to find out a way to repurpose it. One great idea that we have found is to use these files to store hair straighteners, curlers and hair dryers. All of which slot in neatly and keep these electric items neat and tidy.
Think about garage and shed storage
For many of us, the garage and sheds at our properties can become messy and unkempt over time. After all, they are mainly just for storage, so it can seem as if it doesn’t matter whether or not they get messy. But it does! Not only does this make things tricky to find when you do need it, but it also means that you are losing valuable space too. If you are concerned about the space that you have in your garage then you can always consider off-floor storage, such as high shelves and even using the ceiling for storage too.
Create a drop spot
Do you hate the fact that everyone just throws their stuff on the floor when they get through the door? Does it seem that no matter what you say it still happens? If this is true for your house, then perhaps you should create a designated drop zone. This only needs to be a tub close by the front door, but the idea is that you have created a central zone that will minimise the mess throughout the rest of the house.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways that you can tackle the organisation in your home. Not only will this make your space feel bigger and neater, but it will also help to set up you for the year ahead and maybe even feel ready to tackle some home improvement projects too.